Kevin Leahy works nimbly with clients, the design team, and his fellow team members to ensure the success of each project. He has worked on all typologies but thrives working on our Science & Technology projects. Kevin has found his niche in understanding the unique nature of every project. he knows the typology may be the same, but he knows client requirements, along with the codes, technology, standards, and science, are continually evolving.
Kevin’s been a team member on many projects around Boston, from Takeda Oncology’s new 300 Massachusetts Avenue location to the recently created Sidney Research Campus, which upgraded a single occupant multiple buildings location into a class A lab space housing eight tenants. Generally, his favorite projects are generally the ones from which he learns a lesson that can be applied to another project or passed on to a colleague.
He joined AHA in 2001, upon his graduation from the Wentworth Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science – Electrical Engineer.
- Wentworth Institute of Technology - Bachelor of Science, Architectural Engineering